과정 구분
과정 카테고리

AISA 2024

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To be held in conjunction with the 43th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, ER 2024



Workshop Description 

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has opened up new possibilities for conceptual modelling (ER) businesses across various industries. However, the effective application of these technologies requires a deep understanding of both their potential and their limitations. The International Workshop on AI Services and Applications (AISA’2024) is where AI services and applications comes into play. 


● Knowledge Sharing

The workshop will serve as a platform for sharing knowledge and best practices in the field of AI. It will bring together experts from academia, industry, and consulting to share their insights and experiences. This will help participants to stay updated with the latest trends and developments in AI. 


● Practical Applications

The workshop will focus on practical applications of AI in various business contexts. This includes AI-powered knowledge services that can help organizations to manage and leverage their knowledge assets more effectively. It will also cover AI consulting services that can guide businesses in their AI journey.


● Hands-on Experience 

the workshop welcomes any project or tools that can provide hands-on experience on AI services or applications.

Networking Opportunities: The workshop will provide ample opportunities for networking. Participants will be able to connect with like-minded professionals and potential collaborators. This can lead to future partnerships and collaborations.


● Promoting AI Adoption

By educating participants about the benefits and applications of AI, the workshop will promote the adoption of AI technologies. This can lead to increased efficiency, improved decision-making, and enhanced competitiveness for businesses. 




Topics of interest include, but are not limited to


● The Impact of AI on Conceptual Modelling

Exploring how AI can enhance the process of capturing, distributing, and effectively using knowledge in conceptual modeling.


● AI in Decision-Making

Investigating the role of AI in improving decision-making processes in business services.


● AI and Process Automation in Knowledge Services & Business

Studying the potential of AI in automating routine tasks in business, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing costs.


● Ethical Considerations in AI Applications in Knowledge Services & Business

Examining the ethical implications of using AI in businessng, including issues of privacy, bias, and transparency.


● AI and Big Data in Knowledge Services & Business

Researching how AI can help consultants make better use of big data to provide more insightful and personalized services.


● The Future of AI in Knowledge Services & Business

Predicting future trends and developments in the use of AI in business services.


● Case Studies of Successful AI Applications in Knowledge Services & Business

Analyzing successful case studies where AI has been used to improve business services.




Important Dates


 Abstract Submission (Optional)  not later than 13 July, 2024
 Paper Submission  not later than 27 July, 2024
 Paper Notification  not later than 11 August, 2024
 Camera-Ready Version  30 August, 2024(this deadline cannot be changed!!)
 Conference  28-31 October, 2024



Workshop Advisor

● Il-Yeol Song, Drexel University, USA

Workshop Organizer

● Jin-Taek Jung, Hansung University, Korea


​Program Committee

● Yudho Giri, Indonesia University, Indonesia (yudho@cs.ui.ac.id)

● Viet-Vu Vu Viet, CMC University, Vietnam (vvvu@cmc-u.edu.vn)

● Kyung-Hye Park, Chungnam National University, Korea (kpark@cnu.ac.kr)

● Burmaa Natsag (National University of Mongolia) (burmaan@yahoo.com)

● Hyung-Yong Lee, Hansung University, Korea(leemit@hansung.ac.kr)

● Hyunchul Ahn, Kookmin University, Korea(hcahn@kookmin.ac.kr)

● KyooSung Noh, Korea Association of Software Manpower, Korea (ksnoh114@gmail.com)

● Seunghee Lee, Kumoh Institute of Technology, Korea (marketing@kumoh.ac.kr)

● Mincheol Kim, Jeju National University, Korea (mck1292@jejunu.ac.kr)

● Joon Youn Kim, Software Policy & Research Institute, Korea (catchup@spri.kr)

● Ho-Seok Yu, Software Policy & Research Institute, Korea (hsy@spri.kr)

● Jae-Jin, Ko, Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea (jaejini@keti.re.kr)

● Seon-phil Jeong, BNU-HKBU United International College, China (spjeong@uic.edu.cn)

● Sang-Min YOON, Kookmin University, Korea (smyoon@kookmin.ac.kr)

● Maros Halama, Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia (maros.halama@tuke.sk)

● Han-Sung Yoon, Hansung University, Korea (hansyoon@hansung.ac.kr) 



Submission Guidelines


Submit papers via EasyChair for ER 2024 to the “AISA‘2024 Workshop Papers” Track.




Since the proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS series, authors must submit manuscripts using the LNCS style or Overleaf. The page limit is 16 pages (excluding references). Papers will be judged on contribution, literature basis, novelty, clarity, relevance, and rigor. The review process is double-blind. Submissions must be anonymized.